Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Anzac day presents

On the 24th of april I made some Anzac presents for the older people aound Kumara. First I got some wrapping paper and put 3 chocolates in each present.  I tied them up with some red ribbon and a sign that said Lest we forget.  Mum and I took them around the town and put them in the letterboxes.  The reason I did this was because they couldnt go to Anzac day because of covid 19 and I thought it would make them happy.

Anzac day parade/ bike ride

On the 25th of april I went to the Anzac day at the kumara hall. A person was playing the bugle then raised the flag and me, Billy and Sammy and we had to put our popies in the sandbox, then we all went home. Everyday I go for a bike ride with Dad and Zack.  Dad takes Zack for a walk but I go for a bike ride by myself. I go up to the school and back to nanas house a couple of times and I see Billys horses there names are Bobby and Charile. The end by Paige.  

Friday, April 24, 2020

Arts and crafts that I did

On the 24th of April I made a car. The first thing I did was I got some cardboard and I cut off the peels. I had two boxes and then I turned the box around, I cut off the peels on that side then I cut through the middle.  Next  I put tape on the side and  I put the peels on the ground and taped them to the side and then I decorated it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Anzac Day

The huhu grub in the wood

Me and Dad were chopping wood and Dad found a huhu grub they were white and we gave them to are chickens they loved it. We found heaps of them. I was scared at first but then I wasn't scared of them. After 25 days they turn into flying adult huhu beetles. This is a picture of a huhu grub.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Easter Egg hunt

On the 12th of April it was Easter and I had a Easter Egg hunt. The first clue was on my bed. They were everywhere even outside there were a lot of clues to find there were 3 eggs in each spot. Some of the clues were really hard and some of the clues were easy. Heres a picture of some eggs.

The cake that I made for James and William

The first thing we did was we out the ingredients in the cake mixer and mixed them all together.  It was a chocolate cake. Then we put the cake in the oven for 1 hour.  When the cake had cooled down we put white icing on the cake and we used a piping bag to put the blue icing on. Now it was time to decorate it.  I used all sorts of sprinkles on the cake and we also used glitter pens and smiley faces, and we put lollie pops and they looked like a bunch of balloons,
they were all edible. I hope James and William like it.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My birthday Party

On the 4th of April it was my birthday and we had a birthday party at my Grandads house. On the 3rd we made the cake ,it was a rainbow cake it was really good. First we made the cake, then we put food colouring in cake and mixed it.   We had to put one colour in the oven at a time and it took 5 mins for all of the colours.  I picked 6 colours after that we put icing on the cake then we put the decorations on the cake and it took 5 hours and this is the finished cake.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dance competition

On the 11 of April I had to do a dance competition online for the pink pulse dance studio in the performance squad. We had to do are solo routine and my song was all I am by Jess Glenn. We didn't have enough room so I did it on are deck and I came first equal so now I have to wait intill I can go back to dance and then I can get my prize.